💬 Finished Check-Ins
Finished check-ins. I’m utilizing Leaflet for an interactive map on single pages and a static image as a fallback, for feeds, and for microformat consumption. This brings my list of types of postable content to 6: Check-Ins, Likes, Notes (equivalent to Toots/Tweets, Re-Post-able), Photo (singular, more like Instagram, Re-Post-able), Posts (blog post/article, Re-Post-able), and Replies.
💬 Third Day of Bad Sleep
Third day of bad sleep. After working red-eyes consistently, it’s always hard to get back into a normal schedule of things. Been failing at just taking a morning nap and there’s an early show tomorrow. Eff.
💬 Imported Old DAT Posts
I went through some older DAT posts and imported them into my site. Originally I had posts as single DAT archives and only accessible through Beaker Browser. I’ve lost the one-DAT-per-post mentality, but now it’s accessible through whichever means you can reach my URL.
💬 Finished Setting Up Hugo
Finished setting up Hugo for my static site. Beforehand I was pretty determined on just doing everything by hand. Until, well, I spent more time updating HTML than creating content. I’m glad I did this sooner than later.
💬 Derp
Derp. So it turns out I was properly linking to other posts for Webmentions to work. Thing is I can’t use Telegraph to send mentions to myself. Using curl worked, and Webmention.io picked it up properly.
💬 Icon attribution footer is done!
Icon attribution footer is done! Now it’s just time to make a pretty theme, import my old posts, make a few new ones, and then figure out Webmention support for this static site.
💬 Just finished the CSS
Just finished the CSS; icon attribution next. I want to get either the harder parts or the most boring parts taken care of first before moving into fun things. I need to create an area in the footer to access the CC Attributions for the icons I’m using, then need to sort out WebMentions. But, honestly? I may just decide to work on theming (and replacing the text with icons on mobile for the menu).
💬 Wah! That was a slog.
Wah! That was a slog. But at least I got the sections that I think want set up for the site, and things would be relatively okay for posting and creating content on, now! Before I continue on, I’m gonna try to tweak the CSS for responsiveness (because there is no responsive design at all at the moment).