📄 Infinite Scrolling on Hugo List Pages
Despite the potential downsides, I’ve determined that infinite scrolling makes sense for my site and decided to implement it.
Full Post📄 Thoughts on Infinite Scroll Pagination
I’ve looked over Mike Roibu’s post, Infinite Scrolling Pagination in Hugo Website. More or less I like the idea of it, and I’m trying to flesh out an idea for how I want to paginate for my site.
Full Post📄 Static Site Search With Lunr.js
Hugo provides many search options for static sites on their page, which led me to Lunr. I searched for more blog posts about implementation, but none of them were satisfactory to me; many relied on other libraries that I didn’t want to add. So, I made my own!
Full Post📷 Doing Everything but Javascript

💬 Lazy Loading Woes
Man, I like the idea of having the images on my site be lazy loaded, but I don’t like the idea of depending on JavaScript for it, or any of the ways to fall back at the moment if someone chooses (because of browser choices, privacy concerns, or what-have-them) to disable JavaScript.