💬 Just Added 'View on Silo' Links
Just added ‘View on Silo’ links. Currently it reads a syndication link of a post. If it recognizes the host it will show a link with ‘View on…’ as a title attribute and text. It’d be nicer if it was more actionable than that, but that’s a next step. Also, there’s a mysterious margin on the Timeline for the buttons and I can’t sort out which property is affecting it.
💬 I Added Taxonomies to my Site
I added taxonomies to my site! To do it I did a bit of creative fooling around (oh murr) with Hugo and the HTML details
tag to show/hide my site’s sections (called Types on my site) and tags. Next up: show a ‘View on Twitter/Mastodon’ button.
📄 Start of My IndieWeb Journey
After thinking about the goals I wanted for my online presence, I went to the IndieWeb site and sorted through the process of getting myself on the Indie Web.
Full Post⭐ Deep Dive CSS: Font Metrics, line-height and vertical-align
💬 Mary and Joseph, Angelfire Still Exists
Mary and Joseph. Angelfire still exists and offers free websites, except it’s everything from its past glory plus HTML5! Why would I need WP/Hugo/Angular/AMP when I could have Angelfire Site Builder?!
💬 Finished Check-Ins
Finished check-ins. I’m utilizing Leaflet for an interactive map on single pages and a static image as a fallback, for feeds, and for microformat consumption. This brings my list of types of postable content to 6: Check-Ins, Likes, Notes (equivalent to Toots/Tweets, Re-Post-able), Photo (singular, more like Instagram, Re-Post-able), Posts (blog post/article, Re-Post-able), and Replies.
💬 Imported Old DAT Posts
I went through some older DAT posts and imported them into my site. Originally I had posts as single DAT archives and only accessible through Beaker Browser. I’ve lost the one-DAT-per-post mentality, but now it’s accessible through whichever means you can reach my URL.
💬 Finished Setting Up Hugo
Finished setting up Hugo for my static site. Beforehand I was pretty determined on just doing everything by hand. Until, well, I spent more time updating HTML than creating content. I’m glad I did this sooner than later.
💬 Derp
Derp. So it turns out I was properly linking to other posts for Webmentions to work. Thing is I can’t use Telegraph to send mentions to myself. Using curl worked, and Webmention.io picked it up properly.